Teachers’ Pension Plan Trustee Inc. (TPPTI) is the Trustee of the TPP and the Teachers’ Pension Fund (Fund). The TPPTI Board is made up of 8 directors and one independent chair, who have a fiduciary duty to make key decisions in the best interest of all Plan members and beneficiaries. TPPTI meets 5 to 6 times a year.
The TPPTI Board is comprised of directors representing both employees and employers. This includes:
4 directors representing the Nova Scotia Teachers Union (NSTU),
4 directors representing the Nova Scotia Government
The independent Chair of the TPPTI is mutually appointed by the NSTU and the Minister of Finance and Treasury Board.
TPPTI was established in 2006 under a joint trust agreement between the NSTU and the Province of Nova Scotia.
The Board’s Role
The TPPTI Board’s role is to oversee sound administration of the Plan and the investment management of the Fund’s assets.
TPPTI Directors have extensive experience in a wide range of disciplines required to oversee the TPP. They are drawn from the fields of pension plan governance, pension benefits, labour relations, investment management, and accounting.
The Board Committees
TPPTI oversees all aspects of the Plan through the three committees. The Committees report to the Board, making recommendations to the Board within the scope of their mandates.
The three committees are:
Audit and Actuarial: Oversight of the Plan’s auditors and actuaries. Conducts a detailed review of the audited financial statements and actuarial valuation reports. Reviews quarterly compliance reports.
Governance, Communications, and Member Services: Ensures TPPTI’s duties and responsibilities are clear and sets the goals for the Plan administrator.
Investment: Reviews, monitors, and approves all investment management policies and investment decisions.